Fragment of late fifteenth century chimneypiece, Nottingham Castle, Nottinghamshire.
As a trained conservation stonemason and buildings archaeologist, James Wright of Triskele Heritage has a great deal of experience in recording, assessing and analysing historic architectural stone fragments on archaeological sites. He has provided reports for a number of clients including Allen Archaeology, Trent & Peak Archaeology and Urban Archaeology on mediaeval and post-mediaeval stonework from buildings such as castles, churches and cathedrals.
Stonework is often heavy, bulky and difficult to store in archaeological archives. Therefore, Triskele Heritage provides an on-site service assessing the historic significance of the material prior to recording and/or discarding. Subsequently, only the most important stones then need to be accessioned and included in the site archive.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss recording and assessment of historic stonework on your site.