Advice & Guidance for Researching the Archaeology of Historic Houses
Most settlements in the British Isles contain at least one, and sometimes many, ancient buildings. Historic houses are familiar and popular elements of urban and rural landscapes. However, it may come as a shock to discover that the vast majority of old properties have never been researched in a meaningful sense. This lack of knowledge extends to both well-known and more obscure buildings. Consequently, there is often a cloudy understanding about the true age of many ancient structures.
This online talk will delve into the reasons for such limited understanding and will then offer practical guidance on how to use archaeological techniques to research ancient buildings. We will consider advice on how to track down buildings using archives; the pros and cons of dendrochronology will be outlined, and the techniques of buildings archaeology will be explained. The event will be useful for landowners of ancient buildings, for community groups interested in local architecture, and for anyone with a wayward curiosity about understanding just how old historic buildings are.
To book this lecture for an in-person or online event please do get in contact