The second in the Triskele Heritage 2022-23 Winter Series of Lectures: Understanding Mediaeval Buildings.
The vast majority of historic buildings have never been researched. Many well-known or high-status structures have not been studied in depth. There are literally thousands of mediaeval and early modern timber-framed buildings which are hidden in plain sight.
This talk will use buildings archaeology to open the doors of ordinary-looking houses standing in towns, villages and the countryside to show how there is a fabulous wealth of unknown or unidentified historic buildings standing in virtually every settlement. We will look at why so many ancient buildings have gone unnoticed, the evidence for later facades masking much earlier fabric and how to date historic structures.
The speaker, James Wright (Triskele Heritage), is an award winning buildings archaeologist. He has two decades professional experience of ferreting around in people’s cellars, hunting through their attics and digging up their gardens. He hopes to find meaningful truths about how ordinary and extraordinary folk lived their lives in the mediaeval period. He is the author of the popular Mediaeval Mythbusting Blog.
All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.
The event will take place at 19:00 GMT on Wednesday 23 November 2022 .
Booking is now available via Eventbrite:

Due to our licensing agreement with Zoom tickets for each event will be limited to 495 places. This will be a live event. It will not be recorded and made available online afterwards. If you have a question about the event – in the first instance please see our FAQs section. The answer will almost certainly be in there.
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