The Architecture, History, and Archaeology of Mediaeval Inns, Church Houses, Taverns, and Alehouses
The mediaeval inn is such a familiar scene from popular fiction – dark rooms, roaring fires, overflowing tankards – but what was it really like to visit such a place? In this talk, the buildings archaeologist, James Wright will explore evidence from architecture, history, and archaeology to reconstruct the experience of visiting an inn during the mediaeval period.
Following research across places such as Shropshire, Hampshire, Somerset, Oxfordshire and Nottinghamshire this talk will be an exploration of the physical characteristics of surviving inns. It will also look at how inns and other drinking venues such as church houses, taverns, and alehouses contributed to the evolution of the Great British Boozer!
The speaker, James Wright (Triskele Heritage), is an award winning buildings archaeologist. He has two decades professional experience of ferreting around in people’s cellars, hunting through their attics and digging up their gardens. He hopes to find meaningful truths about how ordinary and extraordinary folk lived their lives in the mediaeval period. He is the author of the popular Mediaeval Mythbusting Blog.
All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.
The event will take place at 19:00 GMT on Thursday 21 March 2024 via Zoom. There will be a talk until approximately 20.15 GMT and then a questions and answer session. It will end around 21.00 GMT.
Booking is now available via Eventbrite:

This lecture is crowdfunded through donation. It will be the debut of a new bespoke talk. There is no minimum donation so its possible to contribute as little or as much as you want. Your donation is your ticket and you will be sent a link to access the event by Eventbrite.
Please note that this live event will not be recorded and made available online afterwards.
If you have a question about the event – in the first instance please see our FAQs section. The answer will almost certainly be in there.
Eventbrite recommend using the most up to date version of Google Chrome to access the meeting.
If you have any problems accessing the event please email:
This address will be monitored until the event begins at 7pm GMT.