Online book launch events for archaeologist James Wright’s new book: Historic Building Mythbusting
Go to any ancient building and there will be interesting, exciting, and romantic stories presented to the visitor. They are commonly believed and widely repeated – but are they really true? These stories include those of secret passages linking ancient buildings, spiral staircases in castles giving advantage to right-handed defenders, ship timbers used in the construction of buildings on land, blocked doors in churches which are thought to keep the Devil out and claims to be the oldest pub in the city.
James Wright will explain the development of such myths and investigate the underlying truths behind them. Sometimes the realities hiding behind the stories are even more interesting, romantic, and exciting than the myth itself…
The speaker, James Wright (Triskele Heritage), is an award winning buildings archaeologist. He has two decades professional experience of ferreting around in people’s cellars, hunting through their attics and digging up their gardens. He hopes to find meaningful truths about how ordinary and extraordinary folk lived their lives in the mediaeval period. He is the author of the popular Mediaeval Mythbusting Blog and his book Historic Building Mythbusting will be released via The History Press on 6 June 2024.
There will be two separate online book launch events which will be delivered via Zoom.
The first event takes place on Thursday 6 June at 14.00 GMT+1.
Booking is via the Eventbrite link below:

The second event takes place on Sunday 9 June at 20.00 GMT+1.
Booking is via the Eventbrite link below:

Each event will last approximately 90 minutes. The content will be identical at both events – please only book for one or the other! The presentations will be entirely different to any of the in person events on the subsequent book tour.
This talks are crowdfunded through donation and will be a new bespoke lectures. There is no minimum donation so it is possible to contribute as little or as much as you want. Your donation is your ticket and you will be sent a link to access the event by Eventbrite.
Please note that these are live events which will not be recorded and made available online afterwards.
If you have a question about the events – in the first instance please see our FAQs section. The answer will almost certainly be in there.
If you experience any problems in booking for the events then we suggest logging out and back into your Eventbrite account. If this does not work then please try booking using a different device. If problems still persist then please contact Eventbrite directly.
Eventbrite recommend using the most up to date version of Google Chrome to access the meetings.
If have not received the login details on the evening of the event please email – this address will be monitored up until the talks begin.