Ritual Protection in Historic Houses

With the onset of Britain’s third covid-19 lockdown within a year, Triskele Heritage will be stepping up to try and provide some (hopefully) entertaining and informative free public talks. The weekly lockdown lectures will feature the fruits of our research so you can be sure that the content will all be bang up to date!

Each week we will host a lockdown lecture freely accessible to anyone with a web connection via Zoom. All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.

Our next event will take place at 17:00GMT on Wednesday 17 February 2021 and will focus on Ritual Protection in Historic Houses – How to Deflect Your Demons.

Booking is now available via Eventbrite.

Due to our licensing agreement with Zoom tickets for each event will be limited to 495 places. If you cannot make it after booking, please do return your ticket so that someone else can enjoy the talk instead.

Please note that this is a live event only and there will not be a recording of the talk available afterwards.

If you have a question about the event – in the first instance please see our FAQs section. The answer will almost certainly be in there.

More information on the talk

The perceived threat of evil was a genuine fear that was faced by late mediaeval and early modern populations of Europe. Witches, evil spirits and demons were considered to be real entities who posed a danger to buildings and their occupants. During archaeological survey, researchers commonly find evidence for the practice of ritual protection – methods designed to ward away evil and bring good luck to buildings.

James Wright is an award winning buildings archaeologist. He has two decades professional experience of ferreting around in people’s cellars, hunting through their attics and digging up their gardens. He hopes to find meaningful truths about how ordinary and extraordinary folk lived their lives in by researching mediaeval and early modern architecture.

Mediaeval Great Houses

With the onset of Britain’s third covid-19 lockdown within a year, Triskele Heritage will be stepping up to try and provide some (hopefully) entertaining and informative free public talks. The weekly lockdown lectures will feature the fruits of our research so you can be sure that the content will all be bang up to date!

Each week we will host a lockdown lecture freely accessible to anyone with a web connection via Zoom. All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.

Our next event will take place at 17:00GMT on Thursday 11 February 2021 and will focus on Mediaeval Great Houses – Architecture During the 15th Century.

Booking is now available via Eventbrite.

Due to our licensing agreement with Zoom tickets for each event will be limited to 495 places. If you cannot make it after booking, please do return your ticket so that someone else can enjoy the talk instead.

Please note that this is a live event only and there will not be a recording of the talk available afterwards.

If you have a question about the event – in the first instance please see our FAQs section. The answer will almost certainly be in there.

More information on the talk

Architecture During the Fifteenth Century

During August 1453, Henry VI suffered a debilitating setback in his mental health which left him in a catatonic stupor. As he languished in the rambling rural palace of Clarendon in Wiltshire, England slid inexorably towards civil war.

Henry left few lasting achievements, however, he did lavish great expense on his building projects at Eton College and King’s College, Cambridge. Whilst the king concentrated on educational institutions, his courtiers began  work on buildings which fundamentally altered the face of English architecture for over a century.

The new fashions often demanded brick construction, residential great towers or gatehouses and regular courtyard plans. Whilst touching on a number of sites, this lecture examines the contrasts between Lord Cromwell’s work at Tattershall, Archbishop Bourchier’s construction at Knole and Henry’s own building at Eton.

Uncovering Timber-framed Buildings

With the onset of Britain’s third covid-19 lockdown within a year, Triskele Heritage will be stepping up to try and provide some (hopefully) entertaining and informative free public talks. The weekly lockdown lectures will feature the fruits of our research so you can be sure that the content will all be bang up to date!

Each week we will host a lockdown lecture freely accessible to anyone with a web connection via Zoom. All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.

Our second event will take place at 17:00GMT on Thursday 4 February 2021 and will focus on Uncovering Timber-framed Buildings.

Booking is now available via Eventbrite.

Due to our licensing agreement with Zoom tickets for each event will be limited to 495 places. If you cannot make it after booking, please do return your ticket so that someone else can enjoy the talk instead.

Please note that this is a live event only and there will not be a recording of the talk available afterwards.

If you have a question about the event – in the first instance please see our FAQs section. The answer will almost certainly be in there.

More information on the talk

The second half of the twentieth century saw a significant rise in the study of ‘ordinary’ mediaeval and early modern buildings constructed by and for peasant, yeoman and urban communities. Typically made from local materials, such buildings might incorporate timber, mud, straw, stone and chalk components – yet their survival rate is surprisingly widespread.

This introductory talk looks at pre-modern building materials, construction techniques and historical developments of vernacular architecture relating to domestic occupation and agricultural systems. It will conclude with a case study analysing the development and phasing of an incredible “lost” hall house in the midlands.

The speaker, James Wright, is an award-winning buildings archaeologist. He has two decades professional experience of ferreting around in people’s cellars, hunting through their attics and digging up their gardens. He hopes to find meaningful truths about how ordinary and extraordinary folk lived their lives in the mediaeval period.

Historic Graffiti

With the onset of Britain’s third covid-19 lockdown within a year, Triskele Heritage will be stepping up to try and provide some (hopefully) entertaining and informative free public talks. The weekly lockdown lectures will feature the fruits of our research so you can be sure that the content will all be bang up to date!

Each week we will host a lockdown lecture freely accessible to anyone with a web connection via Zoom. All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.

Our second event will take place at 17:00GMT on Thursday 28 January 2021 and will focus on Historic Graffiti.

Booking is now available via Eventbrite.

Due to our licensing agreement with Zoom tickets for each event will be limited to 495 places. If you cannot make it after booking, please do return your ticket so that someone else can enjoy the talk instead.

Please note that this is a live event only and there will not be a recording of the talk available afterwards.

More information on the talk

Modern graffiti is often seen as transgressive and moronic. However, look closely in the light of a torch at the walls of our historic buildings, trees, caves and rockfaces and you will see a world of graffiti left that illuminates the psychology of our ancestors. The study of historic graffiti enables us to hear the lost voices of ordinary individuals through their images of daisywheels, ships sailing across the walls, knights drawing their swords, demons stalking the stonework and every animal imaginable….

Mediaeval Stonemasons

With the onset of Britain’s third covid-19 lockdown within a year, Triskele Heritage will be stepping up to try and provide some (hopefully) entertaining and informative free public talks. The weekly lockdown lectures will feature the fruits of our research so you can be sure that the content will all be bang up to date!

Each week we will host a lockdown lecture freely accessible to anyone with a web connection via Zoom. All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.

Our second event will take place at 17:00GMT on Thursday 21 January 2021 and will focus on Mediaeval Stonemasons.

Booking is now available via Eventbrite.

Due to our licensing agreement with Zoom tickets for each event will be limited to 495 places. If you cannot make it after booking, please do return your ticket so that someone else can enjoy the talk instead.

Please note that this is a live event only and there will not be a recording of the talk available afterwards.

More information on the talk

A talk on historic stonemasonry and the men who shaped not only the material but the architectural appearance of the Mediaeval period. The discussion looks at quarrying, transporting, setting out, cutting and fixing stonework. The place and influence of stonemasons in the history of architecture and how that relates to exciting new discoveries made by the Thames Discovery Programme of stonework from the Mediaeval Palace of Westminster is also covered.

A Beginner’s Guide to Castles

With the onset of Britain’s third covid-19 lockdown within a year, Triskele Heritage will be stepping up to try and provide some (hopefully) entertaining and informative free public talks. The weekly lockdown lectures will feature the fruits of our research so you can be sure that the content will all be bang up to date!

Each week we will host a lockdown lecture freely accessible to anyone with a web connection via Zoom. All you need to do is register via Eventbrite and – when the time for the talk rolls around – grab your favourite beverage of choice, get comfy and enjoy.

Our first event will take place at 17:00GMT on Thursday 14 January 2021 and will focus on A Beginner’s Guide to Castles – What is a Castle?

Booking is now available via Eventbrite.

EDIT: Due to unexpected demand we have now extended our licensing agreement with Zoom. Tickets for each event will be limited to 495 places. although we do not expect to sell out again(!), if you cannot make it after booking, please do return your ticket so that someone else can enjoy the talk instead.

Please note that this is a live event only and there will not be a recording of the talk available afterwards.

More information on the talk

Mediaeval castles are diverse. No two are identical. Stretching across several centuries of use, their design changed radically from their arrival in Britain during the late Saxon period until they faded away in the mid-sixteenth century. Quite how we define these buildings is a problem and this talk will look at the chronological, social, economic, political and construction issues surrounding them.

The speaker, James Wright, is an award-winning buildings archaeologist. He has two decades professional experience of ferreting around in people’s cellars, hunting through their attics and digging up their gardens. He hopes to find meaningful truths about how ordinary and extraordinary folk lived their lives in the mediaeval period. He has surveyed a number of mediaeval castles including the Tower of London, Nottingham Castle and Tattershall Castle.